Friday, January 13, 2012

Onward, recovering corneas

Day Eight (January 13): The last two mornings have started out fairly well, each one with more clear vision than the day before. Over the course of the day though, things blur up again and I am using moisturizing eye drops every 20-30 minutes, if not more often. When my eyes are moist though, my vision is great – sharp at both near and far distances. Probably not 20/20 yet, but getting there. I expect to be able to work again next week without too much hassle, although I'll probably be going nuts with the eye drops. The real challenge is going to be weather I can see the snow this weekend while I'm snowboarding!

I'm starting to question my decision to do both eyes at once. Obviously there's nothing I can do about it now, but if I could go back in time and have a little future-me meets past-me conversation (think Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, not Back to the Future), I would probably tell myself to go with one at a time, if only to be able to work more quickly and fight some of the boredom of not being able to read much of anything for very long. That said, I've managed to write and post these notes over the past week, so obviously I can do some computer work. It's just been in pretty short bursts, with a fair amount of audio-stimulation in between. On the good side though, I've managed to listen to a bunch of episodes of Bob Dylan's Theme Time Radio Hour, which is fantastic stuff. What a character.

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