Friday, January 13, 2012

Laser Eyes: Why?

I've wanted to have my vision laser corrected pretty much since I first heard about the possibility. I can remember seeing ads in the newspaper at least as far back as high school and wanting to do this to get rid of my annoying glasses and contact lenses. I have been in glasses since I was 11 or 12, but didn't really start wearing them regularly until I was about 14. I switched to contacts as soon after that as I could, using sports as an excuse. I always hated the way glasses felt on my face (a problem I don't seem to have with sunglasses) and especially disliked the lack of peripheral vision. I found wearing contacts a reasonable compromise: usually not too uncomfortable or limiting, but always disappointing when I took them out and could no longer see. Traveling with contacts has also been an annoyance. Carrying around bottles of solution, especially with the ridiculous restrictions on carry-on liquids took up space in my bags and often caused messes. I also disliked lenses for swimming. With goggles, it's no big deal, but without I wouldn't risk opening my eyes underwater for fear of having a lens drift out of my eye, leaving me unable to see when I surfaced.
After saving money and biding my time, I finally was able to take action towards the end of 2011, and made plans to have laser vision correction in early 2012. This is how it's gone down so far: 
1: Consultations
2: PRK vs LASIK 
3: Surgery Day
4: Recovery Weekend
5: The Battle of the Blur
6: Onward, Recovering Corneas

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